Acting Class

With Kerri Monnerat

Weeks of June 22-August 17th

$120.00 for 8 Classes.

Click Here To Register

Acting Class!

With session showcase and movie montage!

Tuesdays 4:00-5:00

Ages 8-11

ALL Acting ALL Games, Class!

Wednesdays 9:00-10:00

Ages 8-12

Bring a friend for free for this class only!

Improve Acting Class!

With session showcase and movie montage!

Thursdays 4:00-5:00

Ages 9-12

“Walking in the door, you are right and good just as you are. Acting isn’t about doing it right or doing it wrong! The question is never, “did I do it right?” The question is always, “Am I being true?” It’s about trusting yourself, your teacher, and the technique enough to be believable. And I can be that teacher for you!”


Click Here To Register